You’ve just ordered a sea salt and caramel waffle from the little independent place down town, took a picture of it, applied the most fitting filter and appropriate hash tag, and uploaded it to Instagram… Afterwards you might take a shot of your new Dr Martens, you bought them yesterday from that vintage place… You say Schopenhauer sums you up perfectly as you contemplate what emoji says this best… Your life’s rough… I don’t wanna talk about it….

Serial Chiller have a DIY attitude that resonates through the pencil-scratched, paint-splatted artwork, through to the no shit songwriting. If you doused Pavement and Parquet Courts in paint stripper peel away the remains, you’d find something a little like these guys. With short catchy riffs and cutting lyrics, Serial Chiller have created their own brand of slacker punk

Speaking about the single Sam said “I tried to put to paper the intertwining mind fuck that is internet culture… It’s about the egotistical borderline obsessive creation of another world through the use of social media, there is no individuality only concepts of self. It’s about those people who believe their tongue is a lost scroll of a beat poet, as it unravels you realise you’re wasting your time.”

Serial Chiller are: Sam (Spud) Sanders (Guitar/Vocals) & Liam Coggan (Drums)

The single will be released digitally on all platforms through Warren Records on Friday 29th July.  Available on iTunes, Spotify or direct from:

Published by Creative Condition

Specialist press and copywriting agency.

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